A place for the wise, the weary, and the witty to gather and discuss topics as far reaching as politics, world peace, quantum physics and Maria Sharapova. If it is funny to us...we will post it.
Friday, February 18, 2011
The annual "Running of the Tanks" in Bahrain.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
9 out of 10 guys have done the math and determined that yes...hitting this would be worth losing half their stuff in court.
...and THIS pictured convinced the remaining 1 out of 10.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Todays "great moments in sports" brought to you by Respect.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Epic Fail:
Courntey Bowles is an "instructional teacher" whose job is to instruct other teachers on how to maintain a professional distance from their students. She was recently arrested for sleeping with high school kids.
With regard to keeping professional distance we're guessing she'd say it's a lot harder than it looks...which....ironically is probably what those kids said to her shortly before the incident.
Now THAT is a ball hitch.
Introducing the new Ford Phallicon
It drives great but it's a pain in the ass to back up
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Red Rover, Red Rover, send EGYPT right over!
During a lull in the Egyptian riots the crowd broke out in the worlds biggest game of dodgeball. Given the lack of toys in the middle east the game is traditionally played with stones and rocks.
Things are so bad in Egypt that they've had to deploy the National Polo Team to help control the streets.