Tuesday, February 08, 2005

FAA study shows Airlines are taking drastic measures to keep their "On Time" stats above 80%. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

"Hey jack-ass... this is for customer parking only!"

Anonymous said...

Was this guy trained at the JFK Jr. school of aviation?

Anonymous said...

Was that a woman driving that airplane?

Anonymous said...

This is the sort of response we can continue to expect in retaliation to our presence in Iraq. They are going to continue to run airplanes into buildings until we capitulate and give them what they want. I think this is proof that no one will be safe until the Bush Administration disarms our military, dissolve our Constitution, and allow the United Nations to take it from here. Only then, can we go to the shopping centers in this country without fear that someone is going to drop a 747 on our head.

I blame this administration and the two before the last one but not the one before those two for the mess we are in today.

Sen. Barbara Boxer